I'm Giving Away $100,000 in Credits

Happy Monday friends!

Life’s going quick I’ll tell you that. We’re coming off our best Amazon month ever. I announced the launch of my Pilates studio with my wife last week. I’m heading to Montana for my brother’s wedding on Wednesday. And Founders Club is growing faster than I ever could have dreamed of.

Lots of going on, lots of moving parts, but champagne problems when I think of it.

Before we get into this week’s newsletter you have to go drop the Pilates studio a follow - @reformingbody. I haven’t been writing this damn newsletter for free for three years if I can’t even get you guys to hit me with a free follow. If you’re ever in the Miami/Aventura area hit me up and I’ll get you your first class free.

“You’re Either in or in the Way”

Words shouted by my business partner this weekend at our first ever Founders Day event. We hosted a 14 hour workshop with 23 founders last Saturday and it was one of my favorite moments of 2024.

We’ll dive into the key takeaways in a second but the words above rang true and have stuck with me throughout this entire week. There’s so much noise, distractions, bullshit that we each have to deal with. Hell if you read a few of these and they don’t click for you, then this becomes another piece of noise you have to fight through.

I’ve been spending alot of time thinking about my team and the desire to surround myself only with A players. The more my life gets busy and damn is it busy these days, the more I am valuing the ability to just be able to focus and get the job done. No knock to the squad, but I’m starting to realize that I have hired a few C players along the way and they have actually slowed down me accomplishing my goals. Hence the quote above.

You ever hire somebody to do a job and then they end up just needing you to do it for them while you’re paying for them? It makes me go fucking crazy. Like why am I trusting you with the work if I just have to do it in the first place.

B & C players are fine if you want to just hum through life. Maybe that just means this newsletter gets sent every week and Founders Club adds 10 members a month to its community. But if I want to get it where this newsletter is the most read weekly entrepreneurial newsletter and Founders Club is the #1 community for entrepreneurs then damn do I have to hire some A+ players.

You’re either in or you’re in the way and every day you don’t get closer to your goals is a day being wasted.

Eliminating Limiting Beliefs

I’ll be the first one to admit to you that I’ve never been one to sign up for these expensive all-day “workshops” to build the best version of yourself. Maybe it was the way I was raised, the clinging to every dollar but there was NO WAY IN HELL, were you going to catch me spending $900 to sit in an uncomfy chair all day to have somebody shout motivational things at me.

Well I’m man enough to admit that I was 100% wrong.

The first session of the day was worth the price of admission alone. We went through a 90 minute workshop led by my co-founder at The Founders Club, Aaron Spivak, about limiting beliefs and how to eliminate them. Not sure what a limiting belief is, don’t worry you’re not alone. The way I think about them is any set of beliefs that you have that hold you back from achieving your best self.

A photo from my journal from the workshop.

Believe it or not, I’m just like you. I may be blessed to have tens of thousands of people read this every week, but I’m still afraid of rejection and still have self-doubt that people don’t want to pay for the events and community we’ve created.

My limiting belief has forced me my entire life to undercharge for things my entire life. Whether its CROSSNET, The Founders Club, sponsorships, hell even just my time.

I never want to take somebody’s money and not provide them back 10x the value, so I constantly find myself undercharging so I can sleep better at night. I’m intentionally self-sabotaging myself and my pockets by having limiting beliefs and self-doubt. This session woke me the fuck up and hopefully, these few paragraphs can do the same.

So let’s walk through it:

  1. List your top 2-3 limiting beliefs

  2. Ask yourself is there any rational reason for such a belief?

  3. Could I be mistaken that life has to be this way?

  4. Would you come to the same conclusion if someone else had this limiting belief?

  5. Why should I continue to act and feel this is true if there’s no good reason to believe it?

It’s no mistake that I found that my limiting belief was only in my head. Yesterday evening I closed my largest sponsorship deal of all time for the newsletter. It’s a deal that will go through the end of the year and is several times over what I’d be making at a normal job.

If you’re feeling confident, send me a response back with your limiting beliefs and what you’re going to do to change it. Lets hold each other accountable.

I'm Giving Away $100,000 in Credits

Are you hiring? It can be more stressful than trying to assemble IKEA furniture without the instructions. The interview process alone could make you feel like you’ve taken on a second job. From wading through stacks of resumes to playing calendar Tetris just to schedule interviews, it’s a wonder we get any actual work done. And let’s be honest, after the tenth Zoom call, all candidates start blending into one giant LinkedIn profile picture.

Let’s face it finding the perfect fit for your company feels legit impossible most times. You need someone with the right skills, experience, and the kind of personality that won’t destroy your growing team.

My friends at MarketerHire gave me $100,000 in hiring credits to give to my readers so they can match you with your most perfect hire.

It couldn’t be more simple, they just launched flex pricing, so simply name your monthly budget and they’ll deliver the perfect hire at the cost you can afford. We are currently hiring for a head of partnerships at The Founders Club, so they are currently working on matching me with my dream person for a monthly budget of $6000/month.

Each person reading this has a free $1500 to use until the $100k in credits is gone. I think this should be used up in like a week so I wouldn’t wait if you’re hiring.

Use the link below or email my guy Dan who’s my rep at MarketerHire here - [email protected] 

Onward & Upward

I’ll be on a LONG flight out to Montana on Wednesday so I’ll be using that time to answer any questions. If you’ve been loving these newsletters drop me a line back, say hi, introduce yourself. Would love to know who’s reading this every week and keep myself busy on the flight.

Tomorrow I’m hosting an epic webinar about hiring with MarketerHire at 12PM EST. 

I’ll be legit covering all things hiring and how we’re doing the same amount of work with a team of 7 as we were with a team of 27 with a $1M payroll. I’ll be doing a ton of Q&A and it will be a good chance to meet. Just RSVP for the session here as they are capping it to keep it intimate.

Have the best week ever and thanks for the support always!

Your friend,
