Are you getting this?

I hope you still are...

Happy Monday!

For some reason, I got a massive wave of new subscribers in the past few days, so if this is your first time reading my newsletter - thank you. If you’re an entrepreneur nerd like most of us there are hundreds of issues for you to read here.

I can’t lie. The last 72 hours have been crazy. The Knicks traded my favorite player. The Jets got their ass kicked. And I’m on day 5 of 7 of my in-laws staying with me. Tonight we’re going to my first Monday Night Football game to see the Dolphins get crushed.

Before we get into this week’s newsletter I want to address what I see as a massive problem going into Black Friday. Whether you run an ecom business, send emails to customers for your retail businesses, or just simply just a newsletter writer like myself, our emails are going to our customers’ spam box more than ever.

Google is making it harder and harder to get into the inbox. If your customers aren’t engaging in your emails (clicking/responding), then you have a chance of all your emails going into that spam box of death. Hence why its so important to respond to my emails occasionally even if you want to just say whats up.

Imagine if you’re a company that makes $500k a month and 20% of that is from email marketing. If 25% of your emails start going to spam for some dumb reasons, you’ll now be missing out on atleast $25,000 of revenue for legit no reason.

I’ve mentioned him a few times before but I got the email wizard, Mike Diesu, to agree to help you guys for free.

If you’ve noticed your deliverability is tanking or scared it is going to, Mike and his team at Revenue Roll, will do a 100% free audit on your email account. They’ll take a few days and dive under the hood and give you a full on plan on whats going on and whats broken.

We all need to get into our customer’s inbox this Black Friday so I’m hoping this helps you big time before you blow your time, money, and effort creating emails that don't even get to your customers.

I should probably limit this to like 15 people, but I’ll let Mike deal with the consequences. Book a time with Mike here or if you feel like getting really detailed you can drop him all your information here.

They just did this full process for me and will probably end up recovering around $250,000 in revenue in the next 45 days for what was a few minutes of my time.

Making Time for Quick Wins:

I’m going to make this newsletter shorter than normal because I have one of the biggest meetings of my life coming up in just a few minutes. Hopefully, over the next few weeks, I’ll be able to tell you more about it but for now, I’ll just tell you how it came to be.

I am now focused on building a personal brand and documenting all of the stories that come with it more than ever.

What does this mean?

Posting and posting more than ever. You read this newsletter every week for the gems and the small bits that resonate with your crazy life. If I could shake any ounce of wisdom into you this week besides getting your email deliverability fixed, it should be that you’re not posting enough. Neither am I.

I’ve built up now a crazy content schedule that you guys can easily replicate because I am legit giving you the playbook below.

LinkedIn -

  • Long form post at 10AM EST

  • Short post at 2PM EST

  • 20 comments on interesting posts

X aka Twitter -

  • One long-form daily tweet with a call to action to The Founders Club or newsletter lead funnel

  • Three short-form 160 character tweets

  • 20 responses to users on their tweets to get me to show up in the algorithm

Newsletter -

  • Newsletter #1 sent on Monday

  • Newsletter #2 sent on Thursday

Instagram -

  • 1 timeline post weekly

  • 1 IG Reel

  • Add 25 relative followers a day (I’m giving up on looking cool and only following 1000 people)

When I break it down like this it’s really not too much. The reality is, if its important to you, you will find the time. You won’t see results over night and you won’t be able to get rich off of it in the next six weeks; but looking back on the past six years, investing in myself was the best decision I ever made.

Shoot me a message if you have a question on scheduling this out and planning content. Remember, schedule a time with Mike.

I hope you have an incredible week!

Talk to you on Thursday,
